
Saturday, September 15, 2018

Roxette – It Just Happens (Official Music Video)

T'Pau - Heart And Soul

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Ivan Gough, Walden, Jebu - Home (Manila Killa Remix)

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Saturday, January 28, 2017

#RIPBeautifulAngelMaryTylerMoore! My deepest heart felt condolences to

the Family & Friends of Mary, one of the greatest Artist. That I loved and admired with her shows. When I was little. Age private! As I recall, they're such a "SCREAM"! That I will always treasure in my heart & soul. Take care & god bless to you all. Love, XOXO Elenea-Charlotte. XOXO 

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Saturday, December 31, 2016

#RIPBeautifulAngelsCarrieFisherDebbieReynolds So Sad! My heart felt

deepest sympathies to the Families & Friends of Carrie Fisher & Debbie Reynolds. It's been too much! Loved & admired from day one. Showing their wonderful, great "GIFTS"! Always be remembered around the World. Two beautiful loving, special Angels are back together again in Heaven. Take care & god bless to you all. Love, XOXO Elenea-Charlotte. XOXO 

Monday, December 26, 2016

#RIPGorgeousGeorgeMichael Shocked & sadden! Another great Artist losed

 in 2016! Loved & Admired him very much, from day 1. My deepest sympathy for the Family & Friends of George. Take care & god bless to you all. Love, XO Elenea-Charlotte. XO 

Wednesday, December 21, 2016


Making it abundantly clear Mathew Greentree, Balwyn, Victoria, Australia.

Keep away from my Sisters. READ ME! Or you will be removed by Police, once again. Immediately! Regardless where you are. Permanent AVO on the AGENDA!!!! Using, Hypocritical, Ugly, Pretentious, Gigolo!!!! #CrownPrincessElenea-CharlottePowerfulInnateClassHasSpoken!!!! 

Thursday, December 8, 2016

#PrayForAcehIndonesia My deepest heart felt condolences for the Families

& Friends. Of this horrific, devastating Earthquake that happened on Wednesday. Take care & god bless to you all. Elenea-Charlotte. 

Monday, July 25, 2016

Friday, July 15, 2016

#PrayForNiceFrance! My deepest heart felt condolences for the Victims, Families & Friends of this horrific, davastation

of Shootings & being Run Over!!!! In Nice, France. So sad!!!! World must Unite as ONE!!!! Stop all the Shootings, Bombings & Chopping Peoples Heads Off!!!! ENOUGH!!!! Take care & god bless to you all. Elenea-Charlotte. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Woa, Woa, Woa, Woa, WOO HOO! Saddle Bronk, Getty Up Boomb Boomb & Poddy Calf Action! Nice and Breezy

up in Tree Tops tonight!!!! Yippy Skippy!!!! Where that Ruddy, Bluddy "Stock Whip"! OUCH!!!! Oh CharleyChubS  you shouldn't have. Don't you dare touch my Picturesque "Map of Russia"!!!!

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Oh be BOGGID!!!! 1 2 3 here we go!!!! Now join the CLUB! Thus you can have a Partair. Woo Hoo! YippY SkippY!!!!

Now go "COCK EYED" Mr Farky Haars. Folks Are Dumb Where They Came From!!!! Whooooooops!!!! 

Good Evenen, this is De Bra cross your Heart!!!! Don't steel mine get your own. OooooohA! Oh for Fark sake Miss

FarkFark (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Kerfoops, SHAT!!!! has done it again. That's right, stop playing with my second hand "Chicky Filly"!!!! NO NO NO NO! Stop it, at once! Now what you dad.. You shoved that Bluddy "Chicky Filly" down my automatic Slippery Dip Corsey. For Fark Sakey!!!!

Friday, January 1, 2016

Woo Hoo!! "HAPPY NEW YEAR"!!!! Gorgeous People. ENJOY! Best wishes. Take care & god bless. Love,

XOXO Elenea-Charlotte. XOXO


Friday, December 25, 2015

"MERRY CHRISTMAS"! To all my gorgeous Family, Friends & Fans!!!! ENJOY the Festivities. Yeah HA! Woo Hoo!

Thank you all for your wonderful support. Take care & god bless. Love, XOXO Elenea-Charlotte. XOXO 


Thursday, December 3, 2015

#PrayForSanBernardinoUSA To the people, my thoughts & prayers are with you all. My heart felt, deepest sympathies

through this horrifying & shocking devastation. So sad!!!! When is it ever going to STOP???? Take care & god bless.  (Elenea-Charlotte)


Friday, November 20, 2015

Hello testing Earth to Pluto!!!! Earth to Pluto!!!! Anybody home YET???? Now drop a Coin. WHOOOOOOOOOOPS!!!!


#PrayFor ParisFrance! Oh SHUT UPA???? Seriously some"Statues" need their "Brain Cells" examined!!!!

We need troops on the ground, whilst have Planes bomb these hideous Training Bases. If we don't get rid of these areas.Where the "Black Blooded Terrorists"are located. We will still have these "MUGS"!!!! SHOOTING, BLOWING UP & CHOPPING PEOPLES HEADS OFF!!!! Obviously
they've joined "Mr Squiggle Club" up at PLUTO doing donuts & burn outs routines!!!!


Sunday, November 15, 2015

#PrayForParisFrance! Prime Ministers & Presidents! Please do NOT let this drag any longer. Whilst this happens,

these despicable, callous, evil, "HOBNOBS"!!!!!! Will keep on Blowing Up innocent respectful People & chopping People's heads OFF!!!!!! COMPREHEND!!!!!! (ELENEA-CHARLOTTE) HAS SPOKEN!!!!!!


#PrayForParisFrance! My address to all Prime Ministers & Presidents of the World!!!! Immediately you all need to

organise Troops to start with Iraq, all the other particular Countries that can't be trusted. Scan & track down all the Terrorist Training Bases. Smoke them out & catch every single, Low Down Scum of  the Earth, these Darn Blasted "GOATS" and Shoot or the extreme, Bomb the "Parasites" rid of them at "ONCE"!!!!!! The ones you do catch will be UTTERLY PUNISHED!!!!!! (Elenea-Charlotte)


Saturday, November 14, 2015

Leave all People of the World alone. Let them live & enjoy Life in Peace!!!!!! Once & for All!!!!!!



#ParisFranceTerrorAttacks! To all the Terrorist (BLACK BLOODED SCUM) around the World. FULL WARNING!!!!!!!!



#ParisFranceTerrorAttacks! Address to all the People of Paris, France. My heart felt Thoughts, Prayers &

Condolences to their Families & Friends of this devastating, horrific, aftermath. Take care & god bless to you all. (Elenea-Charlotte)


Sunday, September 20, 2015

#RIPBeautifulJackieCollins! Condolences to her Family & Friends. My thoughts & prayers are with you all. Through

this very sad time. Loved and admired her with all of her Books. Take care & god bless all. XO Elenea-Charlotte. XO
